"ReSearch Humanity and Kurana have both provided us with a clear understanding of the causes behind gendered wage disparities among actors and contributed a direction for how we can work towards creating more equitable conditions" - Christine Vestergård Hüttel, Deputy Director of the Danish Actors' Association

For several years, the Danish Actors' Association has documented wage inequality between women and men in the industry. To gain a better understanding of why this inequality persists, they collaborated with Kurana and ReSearch Humanity to conduct an in-depth problem analysis.
A thorough problem analysis is an essential part of socially sustainable solutions. If we do not understand the challenge, we may end up addressing symptoms instead of tackling the root problem.To work on solutions with lasting effects, we must understand the underlying structures that the problem expresses.
Therefore, ReSearch Humanity and Kurana have focused on exposing the logics and norms dominant when actors and musical performers are considered for jobs, negotiate salaries, and engage in discussions about wages in the workplace. These norms create specific gendered rules of the game, resulting in differences in wage and career development for actors. This is evident when men negotiating salaries have more leeway than women, who are more likely to consider collective consequences and may face threats of job loss if they do not accept the offered salary.
The analysis relies on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including a survey and interviews with both actors and industry stakeholders such as directors, producers, and agents. These methods provide a unique insight into the extent of gender differences and lived experiences, including salary negotiations, network utilization, and wage discussions in the workplace. An inclusive approach has been employed, with the Danish Actors' Association actively contributing to the study's development
"Throughout the project, there has been an ongoing dialogue where we have adjusted the direction along the way. We have been pleased to follow and contribute to the work that Kurana and ReSearch Humanity have carried out" - Michael Oxfeldt, Project and Communications Coordinator at the Danish Actors' Association
With this study, the Danish Actors' Association has gained a deeper understanding of a complex problem fundamental to its members. Additionally, ReSearch Humanity and Kurana have formulated recommendations on how the Danish Actors' Association can strengthen its gender equality efforts.
The full report can be found here.
“This is a highly useful study for us as it clearly demonstrates how genders encounter different expectations and rules when negotiating wages. We hope that this can be the starting point for us, collectively across TV, film, and performing arts, to ensure more equal conditions across genders” - Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, Chairperson of the Danish Actors' Association
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